Friday, April 5, 2013

Womanhood and feminism today.

I think that the Feminist/Pro-Choice agenda is, like, the biggest attack on women in the history of the world.  Woman in the Old Testament were less oppressed than women of today.  In the name of 'liberation' women are surrendering the very freedoms they seek.

Sexual liberation does not look like a woman who can sleep around with whomever she desires.  It also doesn't look like the overly sexualized woman we see plastered all over media today.  It looks like a woman who can confide in and share intimacy with a man who loves, respects and cares for her. It is a woman who can be a partner in a marriage bed, express herself, and in doing so, be heard and happily content.

Was the 1950's housewife as objectified as women today?

Social equality does not look like a woman at the top of a teetering corporate ladder, earning the same amount of pay as the men there.  It looks like a woman who can run a thriving family, and if she desires, a thriving business.  I don't have an issue with women in the work force, but I think it can take precedence over children, and that creates a dangerous society.

Abortion is not a "right to choose."  It's a legal way to end a human life.  This happened in the Old Testament too.  Evil in the form of sacrificing children in the fire.  It was permissible by society, but not by God.

I am a woman.  Not a man.  My goal is not to be more like a man and gain equality that way.  My goal is to be the FULL woman I am created to be!!  And yes, that includes submitting to a man who loves me "like Jesus loved the church and gave himself for her."  Eph 5:25.

I have been listening to the Old Testament courtesy of Today I heard about Esther.   Esther was a powerful woman, not because she was, herself, in power, but because of the influence she held.

Esther was a beautiful woman, with a lovely figure.  She went through beautifying treatments to make herself even more attractive to the king.  It worked!  Those spa treatments must have been something else because of all the 'young virgins' in the harem, he was attracted to Esther the most.  Hubba hubba!  Do you think she wore makeup?  I do.

So there she is, freshly crowned queen, and her new husband just issued a decree to plunder and kill all her people, the Jews.  Uhh...not the best way to honeymoon.  I think she must have been a little unsure about trying to prevent this because Mordecai (her uncle) gave her a little pep-talk.

I imagine it went something like this, "Look girl, you gotta go talk to him, tell him to call off his decree.  I know he could have you killed for walking in on his court, but if you don't risk it you'll die anyway.  God's going to save us whether he uses you or not, but this could be your chance to be used in a big way for Him!  You could have been put in this special position just for this reason:  to prevent a genocide!  Now, get your royal robes on, spritz a little perfume and get in there!"

That woman must have been some looker because the king was pleased whenever he saw her.  He was ready and willing to give her WHATever she wanted...up to half of his kingdom.  She was wise, judged the circumstances, and waited for the perfect moment to present her petition.

Was Esther looking for social equality?  Did Esther try and take power from the king?  No.  Even when she was offered wealth, she declined.  It was worthless in light of the circumstances.  She knew her worth as a woman and utilized it to save her people.

In the end the Jews were saved and Jesus came decades later to save all of humanity. Beautiful!  AND she gets a whole book in the Bible!

What can I glean from this story as a woman in today's culture?

1.  Sometimes the wisest thing is to wait, to NOT nag, and trust that the time to be heard will come.

2.  Wealth that comes from a high position is worthless if my family falls by the wayside because I am pursuing a career.  Who cares how much money I possess if I don't have my children!

3.  To be a woman is to have influence where and when it counts, and I don't need to worry about it otherwise!

I could go on and on, but I won't.  Instead I will put into practice another lesson from Esther:  beauty and spa treatments matter.  I'm off to plant flowers and then exfoliate my hands!  Happy Womanhood!


  1. I'm a friend (well, I suppose borderline acquaintance/friend) of Pete's. He posted this on facebook the other day. I saved it and just got around to reading. You are speaking to my heart. I can't count the number of times I've said, "I really appreciate the things that the feminist movement has gotten me, but I really hate a lot of it." You see, I've been attacked by many for WANTING to be a stay-at-home mom. My dream, and, I believe, my "calling" is to take care of my family and continue to have my photography studio, hopefully moved to my home. I'm currently a middle school art teacher, who also teaches college-level German and operates a professional photography company. This past fall I had an additional retail job AND ran my first marathon. I know HOW to work, and I'm making sure I chase my dreams right now, but ultimately that's my "forever" dream. Having watched my best friend do this--and she has a salon in her home, so she basically has the life I want--I can say that being a full-time mama is the hardest career I can even imagine. Further, I understand that people have fought hard for my right to vote, choose a career, and basically be an independent woman, but isn't part of that my CHOICE to devote my life to my family?

    When I was living in Germany one of my host mothers gave me a book to read called "Hadassah" (Esther, of course). The covers have changed in the past 9 years, and I'm not sure exactly which author it was. Sort of Biblical fiction. Anyway, it really spoke to me. Thanks for the reminder.

    Further, having recently (and quickly!) entered a relationship with the man whom I'm sure God has for me, I have saved #1 on your list especially. :-P I added you on G+ but have never really used it much. Do you post your blog links on facebook? I've read several of your posts. You're a few steps ahead of me, and I'd like to continue to follow you. :)

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. I post all my blogs on facebook, but you can add your e.mail address at the top of the blog and be updated of my posts...I think!? (I'm new to blogging consistently)
      I love your vision for your future and I wish you tons of success!!!!
