Floating around Facebook is a story about the Dr. Kermit Gosnell trial. Have you seen the links? On a side note, Josh wanted to name all of our children Kermit, but logic and my women sense prevailed.
Dr. Gosnell preformed abortions in Pennsylvania. He is facing murder charges. Which begs the question, 'Why? Isn't abortion legal?'
Dr. Gosnell was preforming late-term abortions. If you are not familiar with what they are, you need to be. They are murder, there is no reason why they should be practiced....NONE. They never protect the life of a mother. There is still labor and birth involved.
Logically I cannot look at a fetus and consider it anything other than a human being. It is a growing organism, a being, propagated from humans, therefore, it is a human being.
The moment we begin to allow that a human life form can be extinguished in the name of 'choice' the line between murder and 'my body, my choice' becomes blurred.
One time I asked a woman how she could be Pro-Choice and a Catholic. It was an honest-I'm-searching-for-a-real-answer question. She justified her position by saying, Aborition is not wrong until the fetus becomes viable, that is, able to survive on it's own.
This thought process is a slippery slippery slope.
1. What baby is able to survive on it's own? Every infant needs needs needs. I've yet to see an infant that can fend for itself.
2. As people age, sometimes they need help eating. Are they viable?
3. Some people are paralyzed and must be fed through tubes. Are they viable?
Why would it be murder to starve a paralyzed man, or an elderly bedridden individual, but not to kill a developing, unseen life? There is something to be said for believing that the unseen life is still worthy.
I am not writing this to condemn anyone that has had an abortion, I am sorry that you were put in that position. But a story like Dr. Gosnell's must be brought to light. Sometimes we have to re-examine our position and determine which side we want to be on at the end of our lives.
It's not a political matter, it's a personal choice that we will each have to answer for.
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