Thursday, April 11, 2013

So you will feel good about yourself, a picture from my house...

See this sink?  It's mine.  It is a picture from my life.  Let us take a moment to dissect it.  From the top down:  


On the window sill

1. Avocado seed propped by toothpicks in a cup of water.  Josh's hopeful experiment, he wants to plant an Avocado tree.
2.  Cast iron crab and turtle and silver tarnished creamer jug, my attempt at windowsill whimsy.
3.  Lotion brought from LA, that stuff is over 12 years old.
4. Other misc. from Mexico, a toothpick container, etc...

In the sink

1. Dishes infringing on my free-will
2. Plants sitting after being watered.  They can co-habitat a sink together in my opinion.

People say to me, "I don't know how you do it with four boys!!!"  And then I think,  "I don't!!  I let the dishes pile and the laundry sit.  I let the boys do what they do and I call it good."

This is probably not the best way to mother....

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