Tuesday, November 27, 2012

We are preparing for Christmas.  On Saturday I watched as the boys put up the tree, the garland, the ornaments.  I did not fluff one fake tree limb, it was wonderful!!!  I did not direct, Josh did. Perfect!

So, a few months ago I started taking this supplement called Biotin.  It's a hair/skin/nail supplement.  It has made my skin baby butt smooth and I guess my hair is growing faster, but that's hard to tell.  One of the initial side effects is acne.  I suppose that's because it's improving skin from the inside out.  Pushing all of those imperfections up and out (in the form of oozy zits) so that the new and improved skin can be genuinely clear and beautiful.

I think sometimes that's how it is with God too.  When we go to Him and say, Here I am!  Fix me!!! Make me beautiful Lord!!  We are looking for the new and improved version of us to be forthcoming.  But what we don't anticipate is the process it takes to get there.  The nasty stuff needs to be pushed up and out of us in order to be cleansed away.  It seems overwhelming for me...when I see myself and the project God has in store.  Can he handle making me new?

Of course he can.  The trick is letting him...It's convincing myself to allow the imperfections to be revealed so they can be removed.  But the good news?  He will do it and I don't have to.  I just have to sit back and let him.

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