Wednesday, November 7, 2012


So, 4 more years.

Of what, exactly?

During the results an exit poll flashed up on FoxNews from Iowa:  Do you consider yourself to be an Evangelical/Born Again Christian?  Yes: 32 No: 68.

I thought to myself, That is why Romney will lose this election.  Voting, like most everything, is an outward sign of an inward condition.

If we are smart enough to recognize that this type of vote [for abortion, debt, joblessness, total reliance on government for basic needs] is a sign of a spiritual deficit then we can formulate a battle plan.

God always said, SEEK ME FIRST!

I was expecting a President Romney to correct the mess in America.  How wrong I was.  I should never have looked to a mere man to fix this country.  Only God can heal our land, ONLY Him.

I have been thinking that a political battle is a spiritual battle.  How can a Christian, learning and developing in the Bible mentality, support a Liberal?  How can they be pro-choice, pro-tax, pro-welfare, pro-Obamacare?  All of those issues fly in the face of Jesus and all He died for us to live in.

Maybe instead of sending money to a political campaign we should donate to local churces in battleground cities.  They will grow, preach the gospel, show men His love, and their hearts will change along with their votes.  It would be beneficial for all involved!

Obama can do God's will in office, and I believe that God does have a large remnant left in America, but it is up to us to rise and live up to His expectations with the abilities He has so tenderly placed inside each of us.

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