Saturday, May 11, 2013

Love you!

God's love.

What the heck does that even mean?  God's love.

Hmph. The phrase goes along with hearts and rainbows and ooey-gooey lovey dovey pictures of clouds and sky. It looks like some kind of spiritualist theory, like some type of cosmic mystery, but how does that, how should that, matter to me in my day to day life?  What does the raw reality of it look like?

Picture God.  What kind of being does he look like to you?  Is he far away?  Distant?  Does he look like your own father?  Does he 'love' you the way your dad did?  But that's a whole 'nother blog.

The bible says that "God is love." 1 John 4:8 Then it says that 'love' is a bunch of adverbs:  patient, kind, not envious, does not boast, honors, selfless, not easily angered, keeps no records of wrongs, hates evil, rejoices in the truth, protects, trusts, hopes does not fail. 1 Corinthians 13

But even that's a little abstract for me to follow, a bit ambiguous for my everyday life.  And then there's the question: HOW do I love my enemy? What in the world was Jesus talking about!? Matthew 5:43

If I take the two instructions together I would be patient with my enemy, kind to him, not brag to him, give of my self for him, be angry towards him, but not easily, not remember his wrongs, hate the evil he does, rejoice when he's honest, protect him, blah, blah, blah...that's all well and good, but how many times do we encounter TRUE enemies in our lives?  Doesn't really apply to me TODAY.

But the thought that currently permeates my thinking is this:  Love your neighbor as yourself. (Leviticus 19:18, 19:34, Matthew 19:19, 22:39, Mark 12:31, 12:33, Luke 10:27, Romans 13:9)  Whoa, what a minute, didn't God say to be selfless in love?

But are those things the same?  Loving yourself and being selfless?  No, of course not. in my everyday do I love myself?

Actually, I don't think I do.

Am I patient with myself?
Am I kind to me?

Okay, those are easy.


Am I a little too eager to brag on tell others of my accomplishments?
Do I do what I feel like, rather than what's best for me...are the two different?
Do I get angry with my shortcomings, frustrated with my inabilites?
Do I remember my screw-ups?
Do I do what I want, even if it's "evil" (wrong)?
Am I honest with myself?
Do I protect myself from harmful situations? People?
Do I trust myself?
Do I fail myself?

I believe that if we master loving ourselves, then we can easily love others and peace can prevail, until then, we need to remember that God does love us.  And he wants us to share in that.

Good thoughts to think on today.  Love you.

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