Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Okay....I'll admit it.

This is my confession.

Whew...this is harder than I thought.

Okay, here it comes:

I LOVE the show Dating in the Dark.

I know!! I know!!! You don't even have to tell me cause I've already scolded myself.

But I love it! I love the concept of a show that places more importance on the inner workings of a relationship than on the outward appearances of the people involved. Here is a show all about communication in relationship and compatibility of the souls. And isn't THAT what will keep you together in the long run?

On my first date with that husband of mine we had such great conversation. Not all agreement, but ALL pleasant. And based on that I knew we could make it work. Or at least talk about everything and not worry about offense, or rejection, or disrespect.

So maybe Dating in the Dark is a good idea for all first dates. Okay, maybe NOT for teenage boys with raging hormones, but for every adult who knows what they want and who are okay with who they are, right?

And we could all stand to be a little more like God and 'look at the heart, and not on the outward apperarance'.
1 Sam. 6:17

much love.

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