Sunday, September 6, 2009

The amazing solid country.

I just finished watching 'The Sound of Music' and am amazed that Noah was really into it! I mean, he did fall asleep at the end, but don't we all? Just the idea that my 4 year old is interested in such a long, thematic movie impresses me beyond words! He's brilliant, that kid.

And in watching it I realized the absolute wisdom and forsight of our Founding Fathers.

Here is a movie set during the times of war, a time when Captain VonTrapp's country was under seige by a madman, a leader of deadly control.

And what is really astonishing is the fact that he was given that control.

By the people.

By the majority.

And they LOVED him...they loved his speeches...they killed for him after all. They closed their eyes for him.

I mean, vonTrapp was in trouble because his eyes were open and he vocalized what he saw.

We would never have those kinds of restrictions on speech...well, not restrictions, because vonTrapp could speak his mind, I guess I mean, we would never have our leaders object to our speech. Our leadership would never try to quiet the citizens with threats.

Aren't you so grateful that we live in a country that can never come under seige like this? Look at this country! So free, so wonderful. Just like Austria was.

But we're different right? Our founding fathers made us invincible. We are the city on the hill for crying out loud!

And unlike Hitler our leaders would never try and control private sectors.

They would never try and convert the youth in our country and convince them to follow unthinkingly.

They would never ask our children to do things for political leaders.

They would never do that. Because they are smart and smart people just don't do that. They don't want control, they just want a good life for us!

And this is America after all...and we do have elections every 4 years.

Thank you God, and thank you Founding Fathers.

"Youth serves the leader. All ten year-olds into Hitler Youth."

Friday, September 4, 2009

School Prep

With school just around the corner, it was time to take the boys out for a little personalizin'.

EmbroidMe here we come! I love how the backpacks are coming up over their shoulders!

Note how Jakey just pushes them out of his way.

They each chose their designs.

Noah had more specific directions to make clear.

"And I want it red, see dat?"

Ben had a very clear vision.

Benny!!! DON'T touch!

Yes, Mum Mum had better supervise.

For two dirty boys they sure have great style.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Is there a better way?

Is there a better blog site than this? Or can someone just guide me towards a better way to upload photos?
Make no mistake, I know it's all operator ignorance, but I just cannot load pics on here without cutting and pasting like an out of control scrapbooker!

Onto other items of interest...

Life has fallen into an early-rising routine here at the Severtson household. Since school has started Noah has been waking at about quarter to seven. Daily. Even on Saturdays.

It's like he's just too excited to sleep. He loves school, and I think school loves him too.

The teacher, however, does not seem to love me. We are probably a little to lax for her taste. And Noah did wear flip flops on the first day of school, but I have corrected that mistake!!! I promise!!!

I can almost see her rolling her eyes when we get Noah and Ireland out of line early at the end of the day...and I was late to open house! Gasp!!! And I left early!! horrors!!!! But it was very boring and I had to get to Ben's open house too!

Have mercy Mrs. P!

Sometimes I think this school thing may not be working out, but then I think, 2 1/2 hours with only 2 children at home. And school feels like manna from heaven.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Okay....I'll admit it.

This is my confession.

Whew...this is harder than I thought.

Okay, here it comes:

I LOVE the show Dating in the Dark.

I know!! I know!!! You don't even have to tell me cause I've already scolded myself.

But I love it! I love the concept of a show that places more importance on the inner workings of a relationship than on the outward appearances of the people involved. Here is a show all about communication in relationship and compatibility of the souls. And isn't THAT what will keep you together in the long run?

On my first date with that husband of mine we had such great conversation. Not all agreement, but ALL pleasant. And based on that I knew we could make it work. Or at least talk about everything and not worry about offense, or rejection, or disrespect.

So maybe Dating in the Dark is a good idea for all first dates. Okay, maybe NOT for teenage boys with raging hormones, but for every adult who knows what they want and who are okay with who they are, right?

And we could all stand to be a little more like God and 'look at the heart, and not on the outward apperarance'.
1 Sam. 6:17

much love.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My two oldest boys start school tomorrow. They are 3 and 4.

Does that seem a little young to you? Because they're still babies to me!

Last night we went to 'Meet the Teacher' night. I brought the whole fam so that the ladies could see what Noah and Ben are up against at home.

Please forgive their homework but Jakey ate it!!!

That is a real possibility. Jakey eats everything. Even poop, but that's another story.

When we go over to my mom's house he goes right for the dog food and stuffs his little mouth full. It makes kissing him a real act of love.

Forgive my dirty talk, you just never know where these little blogs will take me!

Have a fun day :)

Friday, August 7, 2009


Something very odd is happening around here. There is a sense of danger in the air.

What is it Jake? Do you see something weird?

Is it Noah doing the hula? Ben do you see 'it'?

Benny the Brave investigates further....


(I hope he has something on under that sheet :o)

Sweet boy knows they have something in common.

He's not afraid.

I am though!

Just a minute...hold the phone...Is that a BOTTLE NIPPLE and a MEDICINE CUP!?!??!?!?

What an odd man.

Uhhh...Sam what are you doing?

Oh gross.

Maybe I should have breastfed that poor deprived child after all.

Well, at least Noah is normal. And such a helpful child.

Friday, July 31, 2009

LBI how I love thee.

The Severtson boys coming in. Sleepy Sam.

Ben just laggin behind, as usual.

Can you believe the majesty of it all?

Wonderous. Noah so small. The world so big.

Sweet Jake.

And sweet beauty all around.

Thank You Lord for Your beautiful handiwork.

He saw that it was GOOD. Gen 1:10

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Whenever I feel I need to clean, I cook.

I hate cleaning and I stink at it.

I cook to feel productive, even though it makes a bigger mess. Hey...At least I'm doing something around the house, I try to reason with myself.

At this very moment I am gazing upon a mountain of empty dishes, a dirty cutting board, an empty mayo jar and more various mess on my counter. Yuck.

I just feel the need to do Something, so I cook and produce delicious enjoyment for my family of growing boys and one hungry man. And he IS a hungry man. I think I appease his need for a decently clean home by providing yummy foods on his table. Its a give/take sort of thing.

Now HE is a cleaner. He can blow through a room and straigten within an inch of his life, but only if he's motivated. That's the catch, finding things to motivate the cleaning whirlwind within my man.

Maybe a wonderful version of my grandma's potato salad would do the trick, or, better yet, a pan of gooey brownies.

I'd better get back into that kitchen!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My 4 year old just asked us:

How will we get to heaven? many ideas, but how to answer? Jesus will come and take us there, Josh said.

I think we will get in an airplane and fly up to the clouds and then go to heaven. was Noah's response. :)

I think heaven is alot farther than the clouds so Jesus will just have to come and get us. I said.

He's gonna run really really fast. Noah said with giant eyes.

Are you ready?

Monday, July 27, 2009

There's just no place like it!

home sweet home.

So true.

Finally a place my boys can destroy and conquer without restrictions. Sam can cry and nobody will be disturbed. Ben can whine and I can yell accordingly. Jake can try to pee pee on his potty and noone will care (but me) if he misses and gets it all over my floor! Noah can be his bossy ole self and they can fight without getting on some grandparents nerve.

Ahhh yes. home sweet home.

Free reign once again. But no more grandmas to be hugged more aunts to have good heart to hearts more Pop Pop to give grief to.

Home sweet home.

I guess every trip has it's ups and downs. And the trip home has the down of missing every one I love and have left for another year.

Til next summer....

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

LBI 09

So here we are at LBI and enjoying every moment of it.

Especially the moment when my G.G. (that's Great Grandma to my kids)discovered her formerly pillow top bed was now a 'water' bed. Oops.

Seems that a toilet overflowed from upstairs and had the audacity to drip on her bed! How rude!!!

But thankfully it was considerate enough to only deposit clean water on her resting place.

She's going to doll herself up regardless...she doesn't let a little toilet drip mess with her beauty routine.
Besides that, there has been little to no excitement. Which is just the way we like it here at LBI. There have been late nights playing Sequence
and singing 70's ballads at the tops of our lungs, not so lazy days digging in the sand trying to protect castles from the waves coming to overtake them, and short shopping trips to find risque greeting cards. I'd say that this has been a wildly wonderful beach vacation.

Wish you were here!

Monday, July 20, 2009

I've been considering starting a little bloggy for a while now, but am just now getting around to it.

Unfortunately for you readers (all 3 of you, and you know who you are) I am very tired at the moment and am likely to say something embarassing to myself (and to you for that matter).

For example I could end up telling you all about how I have gas at this moment, or how my leg keeps twitching from RLS, or something equally ridiculous, but I won't. Instead I'll begin with the basics.

On second thought, I won't.

If you're reading this you already know who I am so I'll just conclude with:

Thank you for reading this horrible blog. I love you deeply and dearly.

A prize for your trouble:

That's lil Jakey on the phone. LOVE that cutey.

p.s. this is just a fun little trial so don't be discouraged....tomorrows will be better.