Sunday, September 6, 2009

The amazing solid country.

I just finished watching 'The Sound of Music' and am amazed that Noah was really into it! I mean, he did fall asleep at the end, but don't we all? Just the idea that my 4 year old is interested in such a long, thematic movie impresses me beyond words! He's brilliant, that kid.

And in watching it I realized the absolute wisdom and forsight of our Founding Fathers.

Here is a movie set during the times of war, a time when Captain VonTrapp's country was under seige by a madman, a leader of deadly control.

And what is really astonishing is the fact that he was given that control.

By the people.

By the majority.

And they LOVED him...they loved his speeches...they killed for him after all. They closed their eyes for him.

I mean, vonTrapp was in trouble because his eyes were open and he vocalized what he saw.

We would never have those kinds of restrictions on speech...well, not restrictions, because vonTrapp could speak his mind, I guess I mean, we would never have our leaders object to our speech. Our leadership would never try to quiet the citizens with threats.

Aren't you so grateful that we live in a country that can never come under seige like this? Look at this country! So free, so wonderful. Just like Austria was.

But we're different right? Our founding fathers made us invincible. We are the city on the hill for crying out loud!

And unlike Hitler our leaders would never try and control private sectors.

They would never try and convert the youth in our country and convince them to follow unthinkingly.

They would never ask our children to do things for political leaders.

They would never do that. Because they are smart and smart people just don't do that. They don't want control, they just want a good life for us!

And this is America after all...and we do have elections every 4 years.

Thank you God, and thank you Founding Fathers.

"Youth serves the leader. All ten year-olds into Hitler Youth."

Friday, September 4, 2009

School Prep

With school just around the corner, it was time to take the boys out for a little personalizin'.

EmbroidMe here we come! I love how the backpacks are coming up over their shoulders!

Note how Jakey just pushes them out of his way.

They each chose their designs.

Noah had more specific directions to make clear.

"And I want it red, see dat?"

Ben had a very clear vision.

Benny!!! DON'T touch!

Yes, Mum Mum had better supervise.

For two dirty boys they sure have great style.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Is there a better way?

Is there a better blog site than this? Or can someone just guide me towards a better way to upload photos?
Make no mistake, I know it's all operator ignorance, but I just cannot load pics on here without cutting and pasting like an out of control scrapbooker!

Onto other items of interest...

Life has fallen into an early-rising routine here at the Severtson household. Since school has started Noah has been waking at about quarter to seven. Daily. Even on Saturdays.

It's like he's just too excited to sleep. He loves school, and I think school loves him too.

The teacher, however, does not seem to love me. We are probably a little to lax for her taste. And Noah did wear flip flops on the first day of school, but I have corrected that mistake!!! I promise!!!

I can almost see her rolling her eyes when we get Noah and Ireland out of line early at the end of the day...and I was late to open house! Gasp!!! And I left early!! horrors!!!! But it was very boring and I had to get to Ben's open house too!

Have mercy Mrs. P!

Sometimes I think this school thing may not be working out, but then I think, 2 1/2 hours with only 2 children at home. And school feels like manna from heaven.